Bringing the Gospel to the Marketplace (part 3 of 3)

Formal churches may be dying out, but people want Jesus. They want Him badly. God is still active, and the opportunity to cooperate with Him in the workplace is so strong that my heart twists painfully whenever I hear of yet another denominationally-centered business. Some denominations use their unique strengths to build empires for their …

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Bringing the Gospel to the Marketplace (part 1 of 3)

Everywhere I hear the quiet desperation of faithful church-goers: why don't many people want to come to church? People are so busy with sports and family events and work that church isn't a priority. Church is where you go if there's nothing better to do. I'm sad about this, but not devastated. This is why: …

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Giving Advice: Common Sense or the Holy Spirit?

For some reason, this post I wrote two years ago has been on my mind, so I’m reblogging it here. 

Which do you value most: common sense or the guidance of the Holy Spirit?

arabah rejoice

As long as I can remember, I have loved reading missionary stories. Recently, I read (or re-read) three: Bruchkoby Bruce Olson, Chasing the Dragon by Jackie Pullinger, and The Word Came with Power by Joanne Shetler and Patricia Pervis.

While reading these stories, different things catch my attention and fill my ponderings for the days after, depending on what I am experiencing or thinking about at the time. This time around, I noticed something that was similar in all three of the stories I mentioned.

They all went to the mission field God called them to against the advice of people who were supposed to be their spiritual leaders. Some of the missionaries gained acceptance; but at least initially, they all went despite being told not to go. God prospered their ministries tremendously, after years of love and risk and heart-break went into the places where they were called: Bruce to the Motilone…

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