Series coming up…

I decided not to do any more major blogging until I get my series on Hearing God finished. It’s taking hours of time I don’t have while we are trying to remodel and move into our next house.  Evenings after the children are in bed or Sunday afternoons are about the only time I can sneak in a few lines. But the rough drafts are all written, and maybe in a week or two I will be ready to start posting.

I struggle with two things. One, that what I have to say isn’t worthwhile and all this work will be in vain and I should have just kept quiet and avoided the bother, blah, blah, blah. Two, blogging is such a one-sided conversation. I don’t like doing all the talking!

Here’s what the series of 7 looks like so far:

  1. introduction
  2. A God Who Communicates
  3. What is Prophecy?
  4. Learning to Listen
  5. Cultivating a Hearing Lifestyle
  6. Telling Others What I Hear
  7. Hearing Within God’s Family

Pray for me if you think of it. Thank you, and God bless you all!


7 thoughts on “Series coming up…

    1. Thank you! It’s easier to talk about things we have down pat (or think we do) than it is to discuss issues that are very dear to us but we still struggle in… As you said, God keeps working in us and I’m so glad He does!

      I still think about some of the things you wrote in your January series. Your writing blessed and stimulated me!


  1. Ruth Anna

    I’ve been looking forward to this series…so eager to hear what you have to say! And…blessings in the busyness! =)


  2. Loren Miller

    What a wonderful undertaking! I plan to read every word!! 😊 You are an amazing lady with your being a wife, mother and inspiring others to think deeply! Ever read Prov. 31… You are well described by Solomon. 👌 Take your time but we are eager to see your divine inspiration. Blessings galore, Uncle Loren Miller, DPM



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